Monday, February 13, 2012

Product Spotlight: Playmotion™ Technology

Product Spotlight: Playmotion™ Technology

                There is such a huge desire for educational play these days in schools and childcare facilities. As was discussed last week, this can prove to facilitate boring and inactive play for your children. However, here at Xccent, we KNOW that not all things can be taught in a classroom or learned from a book. Your child needs so much more to develop into a well rounded adult. To name only a few:
·         Social skills
·         Large muscle coordination
·         Sense of humor
All these elements and more benefit from and develop in playtime. Our exclusive Playmotion™ technology encourages kids to play to the ABSOLUTE BEST of their ability.

Check out for a full catalog of all of our products and the full range of benefits that come from Playmotion™ technology.